Please complete the following questions by midnight on
Sunday April 30 and email your answers to If
you don’t receive a confirmation email from me by Monday morning around 9am,
email it again. Please make the subject of your email “midterm” and
paste the answers into the body of the email. Do not send it as an attachment. You
may use your books, notes, the Web, or any other source of information you find
helpful. Be sure to read over the exam before you start.
Part I: Answer the
following questions in a concise paragraph. Each answer is worth 10 points and
should be roughly 100-200 words.
1. Please
define and give an example of pirate politics. Include in your answer a
discussion of how this example challenges widely held ideas about intellectual
2. How do
The Yes Men act as a counter-hegemonic force? Please give specific examples and
make sure to demonstrate an understanding of concepts of hegemony and
3. Why is activist media important to the
democratic process?
Part II: Write an essay for each of the following questions that draws from the
reading, videos, discussions, and any other material you think will support you
answer. Please write as clearly and concisely as possible and be sure to answer
all elements of the question. Each answer is worth 35 points and should be
600-800 words each.
4. Drawing from class reading,
describe the typical mainstream media frame of street protests and the larger
activist movements that drive them. Please outline a.) some of the prevailing
news standards that dictate how events and issues are covered and b.) some media strategies employed by activists to counter
the limits of the mainstream frames. Include in your answer historic and
contemporary examples of different types of activist media and discuss the
various aims of these groups and their media. For this you will have to draw on
the Gitlin reading.
5. Please write an essay
comparing media strategies of the Civil Rights movement and Black Lives
Matters. Include in your answer details
about the practices used by each, referring to those outlined in Beautiful Trouble and, for Black Lives
Matter, a new practice that is not outlined in the book. Please be sure to
include in your answer references to the ideas of Jeff Chang, the intro to Journalism as Activism and the 2
articles we read on Black Lives Matters.
Reminder! Assignment Due on Tuesday May 2: an outline of your case study, including hypothesis about what you're
going to find; sources of info about your subject; list of some of the BT principles
you think your subject's experience might demonstrate; and brand-new principle
(not yet listed in BT) you think it might demonstrate.
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