Review for Exam 2:
What are some of the main features of networked social movements?
What are some of the contextual factors they have in common?
What is a space of autonomy?
What is the theory of affective intelligence and how does it factor in?
What is his view of power?
What are some myths Castells perpetuates about digital media and social change?
What does it mean to prototype change?
How can technology help and hinder movements?
Why does surveillance matter to activists?
What are some of the ways the Snowden revelations changed things?
What are the merits of policy change vs cultural change and what are examples of each?
Things to be familiar with
People’s Climate March
Paris Climate Summit
Arab Spring
Indignadas (or M15)
Online civil liberties movement
The Snowden Revelations
Anti SOPA/PIPA Movement
Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality
(Below is from the first part of the quarter) Todd Gitlin's The Whole World is Watching
- What does Gitlin mean by ideology and by the statement “the mass media have become core systems for the distribution of ideology.”
- What does he mean by the statement “Just as people as workers have no voice in what they make, how they make it, or how the product is distributed or used, so do people as producers of meaning have no voice in what the media make of what they say or do, or the context within which the media frame their activities.” (3) Do you believe this?
- What happens when political movements rely on mass media?
- What is a media frame? What are some examples of reoccurring news frames?
- According to Gans (as referenced by Gitlin), what accounts for prevailing frames?
- According to Gitlin, What is hegemony and what is counter-hegemony?
- According Gitlin, what does media have to do with democracy?
Please be familiar with tactics, principles, theories, cases and practitioners highlighted in the book. You don't need to know them all or know them by heart but please be sure that you can apply some of them when discussing specific examples or events. For example, you should be able to answer a question like: What are some of the tactics deployed by The Yes Men and what theories motivate their type of activism?
Other concepts and people to be familiar with:
Black Lives Matters
The Yes Men
Music as political
Journalism and activism
Pirate politics
Jeff Chang
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