Thursday, May 25, 2017

Presentation Guidelines and Exam


Length of presentation: 5 min

Visual: If you would like to show a visual please post it to the blog. No slides with text or videos please unless you clear it with me.

Guidelines: Please be prepared to talk about your case, its key principles, and what was the most impressive or interesting thing about it. You may use notes but please do not read your presentation.  If you plan to use notes please have them on a paper (not on a screen).

Case studies due on Friday, June 2 by midnight.  
Thursday May 25, 2017

Please complete the following questions and email them to me at by the end of class time. If you don’t receive a confirmation email from me send it again. Please make the subject of your email “exam two section 1” and paste the answers into the body of the email. Do not send it as an attachment. You may use your books, notes, the Web, or any other source of information you find helpful (other than talking to your classmates). Be sure to read over the exam before you start so you can pace yourself. Good luck!

Part I: Answer two of the following three questions with concise short answers (100-200 words). Each answer is worth 25 points.

1.     What is the Buy Twitter movement and what are its successes and failures to date.

2.     Name thee main features of networked social movements identified by Castells.

3.     Name one thing that changed as the result of the Snowden revelations.

Part II: Answer one of the following two questions with an essay (400-600 words). Please write as clearly and concisely as possible and be sure to answer all elements of the question. (50 points)

4. Write a brief summary of Manuel Castells' view of counter power that includes how both structure and meaning factor in to how it works. Choose an example of activist media or, more broadly, of networked social movement (like Occupy, the climate justice movement, the Indignados in Spain) to illustrate Castells' notion of media counter power in contemporary efforts at social change.

5. Manuel Castells celebrates new technology as a key tool in building autonomous communication. And yet he barely mentions the way online networks are controlled and how they act as instruments of surveillance in a way that extends corporate and government power.  Please write a critique of Castells' central argument that emphasizes the ways the internet can both can facilitate and inhibit dissent and cultural innovation. Please include in your essay brief discussion of Castells' notion of spaces of autonomy and touch on at least some of the following: net neutrality, alternative technologies like mesh networks and pirate boxes, anti-SOPA/PIPA, the Snowden revelations.

Thank you!

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